Monday 2 June 2014

First Day Fun

We have had a lovely first day! 
We enjoyed the play park at Newbury services and at Southampton ferry port then had fun exploring the ferry. 
After a short walk through Cowes, we arrived at UKSA with the sun shining.

Our first activity was Iron Man, when we got very very wet.

We enjoyed our first meal as we all particularly hungry. After unpacking, making our beds and generally tidying up, we were taken out to Cowes where we spent some pocket money on healthy (!!) snacks and went to another huge play area. 

What a fantastic first day! The teachers are all hoping that we sleep soundly tonight!

The UKSA ers.

1 comment:

  1. That looks lovely, lucky you that have had some sun. Thanks so much for keeping us informed.

    Celia's parents
