Wednesday 4 June 2014

Day 2 at UKSA

Day 2 started early with us having our cooked breakfast at 7:30. We were spoilt for choice!

Then we split into our groups. Group A with Mr Dash, group B with Mrs Baines, group C with Mrs Spence, group D with Mrs Mumford and group E with Miss O'Neill. Group A and group B went dingy sailing. In group A there was only a light breeze and so it wasn't very action packed but it was still fun. Whereas in group B it was very gusty and hard to control the laser Pico's. Meanwhile, group C went kayaking. It was very entertaining and many people got wet. They also played a game called seal diving where the instructors pushed the kayaks off the pontoon whilst the children tried to stay in the kayaks and (unsuccesfuly) tried not to get wet! Group D went windsurfing but it wasn't very windy so nobody had difficulty at their first time windsurfing. group E also went dingy sailing and the conditions were perfect so everybody had a great time.

In the afternoon group A went kayaking and they had great fun playing lots of different games. Group B 
were the first group to go keelboating and it was an amazing experience. Meanwhile, groups C and D went dingy sailing . It was very windy and one pair capsized. Group E went windsurfing and it was quite windy and therefore it was very exciting.

In the evening we went on a scavenger hunt and made some junk model boats. We also found the tuck shop!

Also, it was a very special day for Cairan who had his 11th birthday!

Talhah and Osian
Group D

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