Thursday 5 June 2014

Last night

As the children start to get themselves ready for bed after the excitement of the disco, the staff look out on the sunset and reflect on how amazing they have all been, trying everything with enthusaism with massive smiles on their faces. We are so proud of them all!

At last- The Disco!

After so much excitement and preparation, it's disco time.
Look at us in our finest!

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Birthday Cake!

It was Ciaran's birthday today.

He had a yummy birthday cake which we all shared before bed time after a rousing rendition of 'Happy Birthday'. 
The kitchen did such a great job making this cake.

All ready to sing 'Happy Birthday'.

I can't wait to eat this. do I have to share?

Watch your fingers, Mr Dash!

Day 2 at UKSA

Day 2 started early with us having our cooked breakfast at 7:30. We were spoilt for choice!

Then we split into our groups. Group A with Mr Dash, group B with Mrs Baines, group C with Mrs Spence, group D with Mrs Mumford and group E with Miss O'Neill. Group A and group B went dingy sailing. In group A there was only a light breeze and so it wasn't very action packed but it was still fun. Whereas in group B it was very gusty and hard to control the laser Pico's. Meanwhile, group C went kayaking. It was very entertaining and many people got wet. They also played a game called seal diving where the instructors pushed the kayaks off the pontoon whilst the children tried to stay in the kayaks and (unsuccesfuly) tried not to get wet! Group D went windsurfing but it wasn't very windy so nobody had difficulty at their first time windsurfing. group E also went dingy sailing and the conditions were perfect so everybody had a great time.

In the afternoon group A went kayaking and they had great fun playing lots of different games. Group B 
were the first group to go keelboating and it was an amazing experience. Meanwhile, groups C and D went dingy sailing . It was very windy and one pair capsized. Group E went windsurfing and it was quite windy and therefore it was very exciting.

In the evening we went on a scavenger hunt and made some junk model boats. We also found the tuck shop!

Also, it was a very special day for Cairan who had his 11th birthday!

Talhah and Osian
Group D

Monday 2 June 2014

First Day Fun

We have had a lovely first day! 
We enjoyed the play park at Newbury services and at Southampton ferry port then had fun exploring the ferry. 
After a short walk through Cowes, we arrived at UKSA with the sun shining.

Our first activity was Iron Man, when we got very very wet.

We enjoyed our first meal as we all particularly hungry. After unpacking, making our beds and generally tidying up, we were taken out to Cowes where we spent some pocket money on healthy (!!) snacks and went to another huge play area. 

What a fantastic first day! The teachers are all hoping that we sleep soundly tonight!

The UKSA ers.